We managed to make it to August before resorting to the tiller to clear the weed growth. Weeds are crazy resilient. I want to say they are evil, but perhaps there is some greater purpose for them in the circle of life, I just haven’t found it.
We did everything we knew to do, were resourced to do, and had time to do – to ward off weed resurgence. We plowed, we tilled, we laid down cardboard, we used plastic row covers, we layered wood chips, and yet, Abuelita’s saying holds true… Yerba mala nunca muere…Bad weeds never die.
Not even our raised beds were immune from weed pressure this year.
Perhaps from neighbors’ gardens or another miracle of nature, we had varieties of melons, cantaloupe, and tomatillo grow where we never even planted them.
We got a bit attached and let them “do their thing” despite their surprise appearance.
The only place we have had long term weed suppression is in the high tunnel where we covered the 50 x 25 ft ground surface with a tarp for about 6 weeks after breaking it up.
So, what are the takeaways?
1. Grandma knew what she was talking about.
2. Start prepping for next spring by setting out the silage tarp this fall and/or late winter.
3. There is no silver bullet when trying to grow naturally.
4. The forest always wins.
5. Get the garden hoe out quick!
6. Yerba mala nunca muere.